Basic Forensic Photography

Instructor: Robert Wyman

This informative 3-day course provides attendees with unique classroom presentations and outdoor hands-on exercises.
This training is designed to assist Crime Scene Investigators, Traffic Crash Investigators, Fire and Arson Investigators, Medical Examiner staff, and Local Government Code-Compliance officials to accurately document assignments they are faced with in their respective investigative professions.
There are many elements involved with assembling a forensic puzzle for an investigation, and in many cases forensic photography can make or break your case. This course stresses the importance of properly documenting your incident scene.

Course topics are purposely structured to be basic, entry-level presentations for inexperienced or “point-and-shoot” photographers, moderately-experienced photographers with some training, as well as experienced photographers looking for a refresher course or some new ideas.
Although these photographic subjects will be matched to real- world forensic documentation assignments, this course is not intended to cover every possible assignment. Instead, the emphasis is on learning how to get the most out of your equipment and to establish modern photographic procedures applicable to your cases.

This class will emphasize the “Exposure Triangle,” image composition, and choosing the right camera tools for any documentation task. Outdoor photo exercises will also be conducted, weather permitting.

Course Topics:

The Importance of evidence photography; professional policies, procedures and SOP’s
Camera and lens operation, settings, options and handling
Camera add-on equipment to enhance your forensic images
Mastering the selection of camera modes

The Exposure Triangle: Shutter Speed, Aperture and ISO settings
Indoor flash photography: Shadows, Confined spaces, Other circumstances and additional lighting techniques related to evidence documentation

Close-Up/Macro photography
Utilization of scales, markers and other measuring devices

Photographic workflow: Image metadata logs, Photo logs and organization, Image archives, Recommendations toward testimony about photography


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